Quality Coaching on AB Testing Podcast
It was a great discussion on quality coaching, credibility and trust, how the ultimate shift left act is to hire engineers who embrace software testing as their role. It was such a fun chat, and I could have gone on talking and sparring for hours. Fortunately for you, I didn't.

As someone who has created a podcast in the past, I have the utmost admiration for someone who consistently delivers. The AB Testing podcast is now on episode 155! True commitment.
It was a great discussion on quality coaching, credibility and trust, how the ultimate shift left act is to hire engineers who embrace software testing as part of their role. It was such a fun chat, and I could have gone on talking and sparring for hours. Fortunately for you, I didn't.
Here it is! I hope you enjoy it.
And while you're here, why not sign up for my online quality coaching book with this intro offer of 4 weeks of free access?
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