Indulge the Hunch Have you ever been in a new city or town and been tempted to take a shortcut that you don’t know will actually be short? A hunch tells you it will be quicker. What do you do? Will you take the risk and go with your gut? Or, will
QA Career Development We had the first Quality Engineering Lean Coffee and the following topics: * QA Career Development * How to assess quality practices and maturity of a team * How to attract people to get into a quality career * What can help testers when there is no BS or RS documentation * QA versus Dev
Options not Obligations tl;dr We want to provide our consumers and business partners options as opposed to obliging them by providing only one option. By “Designing in options” for your business partners and consumers, you provide them with the ability to take the greater risk while minimising the impact of failure for
Threats to Quality If, as Gerry Weinberg states Quality is “value to some person” …then the corollary stands that risk is anything that threatens that value. This can be useful because Quality is an amorphous, shapeshifter, notoriously difficult to nail down. Its final judge is not us but our consumers. I compare quality
Emergent Quality Quality is an emergent property of the system. Focus on improving the system to improve product quality.
#NoBlogPost Today I woke up early determined to return to my blog on the bus series. A couple of reasons why. 1. I’ve found it liberating to not worry over being a perfectionist on writing the perfect sentence, phrase, or point. 2. Loads of people at Agile Testing Days told
Contemporary Quality Engineering > Quality engineering enables visualisation of the state of quality anytime in the delivery lifecycle of a system or service. It does so in terms of its business outcome. Anne-Marie Charrett (working definition) Services not Products The complexity and the distributed nature of our systems today means we are moving