📖 Quality Coach newsletter #31

A round-up of quality coach articles, events and articles from the quality coach book and community. Please share!

🏢 Building a quality coach operating model

If you intend to implement a quality coach approach at your company, you may wish to describe your quality coach operating model. While you may be clear on what it should look like, many others in the organisation will have no clue.

Quality Coach Team Operating Model
The hub and spoke model is an effective org structure for a quality coach enabling team

If you are unclear about something, trying to model it will help you clarify what good looks like.

Given that the quality coach model is a relatively new concept, you must over-index what these approaches look like.

Fortunately, this article gives you some ideas and things to think about.

A collection of posts from the archives.

Dropping the Ball
Does the thought of ‘dropping the ball’ fill you with dread ? Perhaps you feel you will let people down, or more importantly yourself?
Boost your engineering capability with this growth-focused framework
ℹ️In this article, we will use the term ‘Engineering Capability’ to mean the practices and approaches we use to get work done within an engineering department. This article extends and references the work of two previous publications in this series. Namely ’Accelerate your quality culture by identifying your engineering
Team Topology & Quality Engineering Structures
What is the optimal structure for Quality Engineering within Engineering? Anne-Marie Charrett writes about some of the complexities to consider

🏘️ Picks from the Community

It's an oldie but a goodie from Lisa Crispin.

The Agile Testing Quadrants - Agile Testing with Lisa Crispin
The Agile Testing Quadrants are a thinking tool that help teams plan and execute testing activities so they can confidently deliver value

And Maaret Pyhäjärvi also reposted an old but great article on Ensemble Programming.

Learning programming through osmosis
Ideas and experiences on software testing, software development, conference speaking and organizing.

Gitte Klitgaard also wrote a great article on what it means to be technical.

I am not really a tech person – or am I?

Lena Pejgan Nyström writes a great series of articles on the Jurassic Park question, in which she explores the tensions between capability, morality, and legality in software engineering.

The Jurassic Park Problem & Software Development (Part 1) – QuestionAble by Pejgan

Jenna Charlton wrote this on point article about retaining testing talent.

Future Proofing your QA Team
Jenna Charlton shares some essential strategies for managing high-performing QA teams, including retention, skill diversification, and career progression.

Upcoming speaking engagements

Hustef the Hungarian Software Testing Forum conference is over. It was such a great event. Two more events in October and then a well-deserved rest. 🛏️

Testing Talks Conference 2024 Melbourne
We want Testing Talks Conference 2024 to be a reunion for our community. A fun event for all; to share, learn and reconnect in-person.
DevOps Summit NSW 2024
The leading DevOps event across APAC to discuss how emerging tech is changing the DevOps landscape.

Please Share 😍

The monthly quality coach newsletters are my way of sharing and amplifying work in our incredible community. If you like my work, please share it with your colleagues and peers!

Until next time,
