Quality Coach newsletter #29
🥼 🧪 Experiments in Quality Coaching
This month's premium article looks at experiments in quality coaching.
Experiments are a safe way for a team to try out new ideas. The latest article discusses experiments, what they are, and why they're so helpful in quality coaching. I also share a story about how a team I was coaching experimented with BDD. I finish by sharing a few tips and tricks I've learned over the years around experimentation.
Other Posts
I have two additional posts that explore tech leadership, Anne-Marie style. These posts are open to all.
🏘️ Picks from the Community
There's been an explosion of writing within the community. It's fantastic to see so many talented people writing about their experiences in quality. I can't possibly include you all; this is a small subset.
Upcoming speaking engagements
I'm happy to announce I'm speaking at the Appium conference on the 13th of September.
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Engineering Leadership
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Until next time,