Quality Coach newsletter #29

A round-up of quality coach articles, events and articles from the quality coach book and community

🥼 🧪 Experiments in Quality Coaching

This month's premium article looks at experiments in quality coaching.

Experiments are a safe way for a team to try out new ideas. The latest article discusses experiments, what they are, and why they're so helpful in quality coaching. I also share a story about how a team I was coaching experimented with BDD. I finish by sharing a few tips and tricks I've learned over the years around experimentation.

Experiments in Quality Coaching
Use the concept of experiments to encourage product teams to try new approaches, tools and ways of working

I have two additional posts that explore tech leadership, Anne-Marie style. These posts are open to all.

The secret ingredient is joy
Let joy be the reason you want to demonstrate value, anything less is a shallow win.
Be like mist
When your role is an influencing one, with little direct control, focus on seeding ideas and providing options, less on making obvious impact

🏘️ Picks from the Community

There's been an explosion of writing within the community. It's fantastic to see so many talented people writing about their experiences in quality. I can't possibly include you all; this is a small subset.

CrowdStrike: The Blame Game - Cassandra HL
So, another huge IT outage occurred. This time, involving CrowdStrike. It seems like everyone and their pet tortoise has an opinion on this, so I didn’t jump in immediately. Here are some things I haven’t personally seen mentioned. Where’s Your DevOps Now? Remember when DevOps was this shiny, new thing that […]
The Swiss Cheese Model for Quality Engineering
Having the time-honoured ‘Test Pyramid’ phenomenon drive a quality strategy alone isn’t good enough anymore. Here’s a more holistic thought…


Cultivating Resilience by Changing How You View Your Identity
Discover how redefining your identity around core values rather than roles can boost your resilience and help you navigate life’s changes with greater ease.

Upcoming speaking engagements

I'm happy to announce I'm speaking at the Appium conference on the 13th of September.

The official Appium Conf 2024 for mobile & device test automation
Back online. Improve your automation strategy, make connections with other Appium users and learn from Appium committers and test automation specialists.
HUSTEF - Hungarian Software Testing Forum on LinkedIn: #hustef #softwaretesting #softwarequality
We proudly announce our first Keynote Speaker of HUSTEF 2024, the fantastic Anne-Marie Charrett! 🎉 We can't wait to meet her personally in Budapest - How…
Testing Talks Conference 2024 Melbourne
We want Testing Talks Conference 2024 to be a reunion for our community. A fun event for all; to share, learn and reconnect in-person.

Remember to subscribe for free to receive this newsletter and any free posts. Subscribing for $2 a month gives you access to the quality coach book posts.

Until next time,
