💃Quality Coach newsletter #28

A round up of quality coach articles, events and articles from the quality coach book

💃 Decoding the Dance: Customer Value & Quality

There are times in our world of work when we encounter paradigm shifts in our thinking. I remember the first time I worked in a proper agile environment and finally getting that agile is not just another context in which testing is performed; it actually changes the risk profile, which impacts what and how we test.

I believe product discovery and SaaS require another paradigm shift. We must change and morph how we think about quality, risk, and scope. This article is my attempt to discuss why this change is important, how it will impact, and how it relates to what you can do using a prevent, detect, and recover strategy.

I hope you find it useful or at least thought-provoking.

Decoding the Dance: Customer Value Meets Quality
I suggest we begin exploring different ways to think about quality. Let’s take a step back and critique our existing assumptions on quality. If we question what we accept as truth in testing, we may begin to identify new ways of achieving quality products that our customers really value.
Reshaping Quality in Contemporary Organisations
To test well we need to rethink quality and how we can build quality in as opposed to testing for it at the end.
Product Excellence - Continuous Quality from Discovery to Support
Overview Introducing Product Excellence, a new framework that creates a single view of quality across discovery and delivery. Delivering small batches of customer value in isolation comes with a cost. As a strategy for risk reduction, it wins hands down. It can come up short as a strategy for delivering
What is Observability? What is Qualtability?
Observability allows vision of the internals of a system without interference with that system. Qualtability makes visible the state of quality.

🏘️ Picks from the Community

This is a round-up from the community. There are so many excellent posts at the moment, and these are only some of them.

Nice versus Kind
A video that explains the difference between being nice and being kind.
Test Automation - Friend or Foe?
Ideas and experiences on software testing, software development, conference speaking and organizing.
Last Call for Quality
A look at why late testing fails and how to avoid this and common software testing anti-patterns.
Flurry of bugs
Recently I was doing some exploration around an area of a product. I didn’t have any specification or knowledge of the product, so it was…
Good Enough Quality Is Taking a Dip
Ideas and experiences on software testing, software development, conference speaking and organizing.
✅ Quick Tip: Squashing Commits
Ah, Github. Mostly, I feel good about it… I know the basics and use them frequently. Recently, I learned how to squash commits. And, for whatever reason, I cannot recall the commands quickly. Here’s my guide to running the commands for squashing commits.
Marit van Dijk on LinkedIn: Tips For Reading Code
As developers, we spend more time reading code than writing it. Most of the time, we are reading code in our IDE - which provides useful features like syntax…

Upcoming speaking engagements

Agile & Quality; Is quality *really* everyone’s responsibility?, Wed, Jul 24, 2024, 5:45 PM | Meetup
**Agile Quality - Is quality really everyone’s responsibility?** [Ann Marie-Charret](https://www.linkedin.com/in/testingtimes/) In Agile, quality is a shared responsibility
HUSTEF - Hungarian Software Testing Forum on LinkedIn: #hustef #softwaretesting #softwarequality
We proudly announce our first Keynote Speaker of HUSTEF 2024, the fantastic Anne-Marie Charrett! 🎉 We can't wait to meet her personally in Budapest - How…
Testing Talks Conference 2024 Melbourne
We want Testing Talks Conference 2024 to be a reunion for our community. A fun event for all; to share, learn and reconnect in-person.

Remember to subscribe for free to receive this newsletter and any free posts. Subscribing for $2 a month gives you access to the quality coach book posts.

Until next time,
