🔭 Quality Coach newsletter #25
🔭 3 Lens Quality Assitance Model
The three-lens quality assistance model encourages you to consider the role of a quality coach in the context of your existing product engineering constructs. How will a quality coach impact these teams and the organisation? How will people need to think differently? How must roles change?

I have a lot of content about creating an organisational structure. Would readers find this interesting? Please provide feedback!
📚 Keep helping me write this book!
I'm almost ready to put this online book into a publishable format. I need six more months of writing and then editing time. The end of the year seems like a reasonable timeframe. Since I shared my intention, I've received fantastic support from the community. Thank you 🙏
Please keep encouraging me; the final months are always challenging. You can help by giving feedback through comments, writing to me directly, or liking a post. It's all feedback that will help me understand the types of topics you find valuable.
🏘️ Picks from the Community
When Elisabeth Hendrickson announces she's holding a leadership course, you drop everything and sign up.
If that's not in the right time zone, check out Katja Obring's course Shift Left for Testers.
Two posts on quality coaching from Emna Ayadi.
Also, Judy Mosley wrote about introducing QA Practices in an organisation.

Some of the talks from Yow! 2o24 are not available. I enjoyed this one by Josh Armitage.
A special shout-out to Lisa Crispin, who continues to show us what community looks like. Plus, celebrating that book fifteen years on.

Upcoming speaking engagements
So many talks this year!

Remember to subscribe for free to receive this newsletter and any free posts. Subscribing for $2 a month gives you access to the quality coach book posts.
Until then.
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