Quality Coach March 2022 Newsletter
Welcome to my regular newsletter where I provide updates and links to content that I enjoy. Premium readers a special thanks. You encourage me to continue to write and share my experiences.
It's hard to digest the fact that I've been consistently writing on this blog for 15 years now. In this newsletter, I'll share some of the posts from the past that share a theme with my latest premium blog post quality coach career paths, plus some other content on the same theme.
Blog Posts on Career Paths
Quality Coach Career Development
In a modern engineering organisation what career development does a quality coach have? This was one question at the quality engineering lean coffee
Raising Female Technology Leaders
We need both a good funnel but also a way to retain female technology leaders who disproportionally leave the profession (and its not to have babies!)
Where have all the good jobs gone?
If you follow and believe the twitter conversations, it seems that the main reason for getting ISTQB certification is to pass the screening when applying for work. No ISTQB? No interview! My personal experience has been that yes, on one or two occasions I’ve failed to be interviewed based
Four Stages of Testing Competence
What stage of software testing competence are you? Unconscious Incompetence, Conscious Incompetence, Conscious Competence, Unconscious Competence
An article by Melissa Eaden I've enjoyed reading:
Navigating A Career Path In Software Testing
Read “Navigating A Career Path In Software Testing” by Melissa Eaden in Ministry of Testing’s Testing Planet
And a plug for Nicola Lindgren's new book
Starting Your Software Testing Career
A guide to finding your first role as a Software Tester, suggestions on useful ways to upskill and advice on how to do a great job once you have landed a role.
That's it for this month.
Enjoy your journey....