Experiments in Quality Coaching

Use the concept of experiments to encourage product teams to try new approaches, tools and ways of working

Experiments in Quality Coaching
Photo by Nicolas Thomas / Unsplash

Experiments are powerful methods for driving change within product teams. An experiment provides the team with optionality, offering psychological safety. They can try something out, opt for the new change, or revert to working as before. Experiments permit teams to try new things without committing long-term to change. They offer change without removing team agency; at all times, the team decides.

What is an experiment?

An experiment is a procedure or operation carried out to resolve an uncertainty1. For an experiment, you form a hypothesis upon which experiments are designed and then run to see if that hypothesis is true.

As a quality coach, you can suggest to a team that they try a new idea or concept as an experiment. It is even better if the team comes to you with a suggestion. The team can then try the idea; if it works, they can absorb it into their working methods.