Dear Helen, in response to your job application as a tester
I wrote this email to Helen today who emailed me a letter seeking work. I thought it pretty much summarises what Testing Times stands for.
Dear Helen,
Thanks for contacting me through my website.
Firstly, I want to congratulate you. Not many people bother to read my website properly and send me the information I require, my estimation of you as a tester as increased a notch!
I purposefully ask testers to only send me a cover letter explaining why they want to work for me. Most testers send in a resume.
Testing Times is not a typical software testing consultancy. Based on many years of experience, we’ve come to realise that the majority of testing performed is rubbish. Unrealistic schedules, stupid estimations, test strategies and plans that no-one reads or cares about, metrics that make no sense.
We’ve decided that enough is enough, and we will only perform quality testing. If this type of consultancy interests you read on.
We see ourselves as context driven testers (google and read up) and we believe this is one way to promote quality testing.
Be aware, we only work with truly passionate testers. This doesn’t necessarily mean lots of technical proficiency, but we expect you to have studied testing, read blogs and have an opinion on what quality testing is.
If this sounds like you, send your resume in!
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