Be like mist

When your role is an influencing one, with little direct control, focus on seeding ideas and providing options, less on making obvious impact

Be like mist
Photo by Carsten Stalljohann / Unsplash

A large enterprise is not simply an organisation. It is an ecosystem. Like a massive river, it has its current; it ebbs, flows, divides, and merges. It has its unique fauna and flora. Over time, against its relentless flow, its banks crumble and disintegrate only to deposit it downstream in the form of silt.

A large river rarely consists of one stream; it's a combination of multiple smaller streams merging into one.

If your role in an organisation is to drive change with little direct influence, it's wise to remember the river and its ecosystem.

It's hard to control the river. It requires huge investment to change its course and harness its power.

Instead, be like mist—a mass of tiny droplets that settle like a blanket. Mist doesn't aim to change but to nurture. Over time, mist feeds and supports the flora and fauna, which in turn supports the river.

The river will continue to do what it must. It will continue to ebb and flow, merge and connect, and all the while, it has been fed by mist without even realising it.