Waxing and Waning during Exploratory Testing

Waxing and Waning during Exploratory Testing
Photo by Fraizer Dunleavy / Unsplash

I had this great plan for today where I would observe how I work throughout a day of exploratory testing.  Unfortunately, the software is not quite ready for testing, so my plan has been slightly scuppered. Still I suppose this situation is often typical of any testing  scenario, so I will still include it into my final analysis.
The idea behind this ‘observation’ is I want to have an understanding of how my enthusiasm, concentration change throughout a day of testing.

The reason I want to do this is because I’ve notice that often at the end of testing I tend to be less enthusiastic than say at the start.  That’s understandable and probably most testers have noticed this wane themselves, especially if the testing goes on for a long time.

I attribute many reasons to this, for example, sometimes I leave the boring and tedious tests to the end, or perhaps I feel the majority of ‘interesting’ bugs appear to have been found. It might even be that once the excitement of testing something new has left, I’m left with my own discipline and sheer determination to get through the rest of testing.

So, I thought it might be interesting to track my enthusiasm and concentration in exploratory testing. I get to chose what I test and when, so perhaps with me in control of my testing destiny it would be interesting to see how my enthusiasm wanes and waxes. By observing how it changes, I might be able to put into affect some different techniques to use the peak  points of enthusiasm and concentration for testing the software and perhaps the times when I’m er a bit less enthusiastic to do documentation etc.

The idea is that by observing my testing flow I can plan better how to use my day.

I wonder if this is something that all testers would find helpful?  I imagine that most testers would differ in their daily ebb and flow. If you observed your concentration levels what would you see?