YouTrack, a new issue tracking tool

I noticed that there is a new bug tracking application on the scene. It’s called YouTrack and describes it self as:
“web-based, keyboard-centric issue tracker” and

“The Fastest Bug and Issue Tracker”
“Wow”! Sounds like just the tool for a Maverick Tester!  I’ve been on the hunt for a decent bug tracker for my website, so I thought I would try this one out.

The download and install was true to its word, it was fast and immediately a login page appeared in my browser. Fantastic! I had spent many hours installing  TRAC and in comparison this was a cinch!

I’m now the proud owner of YouTrack on my laptop.

There’s a few things seem nice, one is the use of tags and the ability to create users under projects only, which will be handy for me as I don’t want my clients to be able to see other project content.

I did have a grin at the roles though, there was admin, developer (of course), observer (??) and reporter (?!). I think that we testers will fall under the “reporter” role.

This application is under Beta, and JetBrains are asking for people to raise bugs as they see it. Hopefully, the beta testing is a bit more successful than Joe Stump, of (see Elisabeth’s Hendricksons great  post on this).  Or  they have performed some solid system testing (by their “reporter” )prior to this beta release.

I’m going to try and install it on my web server in the next two days, and I intend to use it for a current client I have.

The major downside I see to YouTrack is the fact that it’s only a temporary license. I don’t want to invest large amounts of energy into a product that turns out to be excessively expensive. For startup’s TRAC or Bugzilla which is open source may still be more worthwhile.

Anyone else used YouTrack?